We bridge traditional transcending meditation with modern neurotechnology for a unique learning experience.

Embrace a technique perfected by sages, rooted in the ancient Vedic tradition, and found in the effortless ajappa meditation of Rājayoga

Unlock Self-Transcendence with Your Own Neurodata for $250

Start Your Journey

Experience Affordable, Self-Guided Transcendence Using Your Own Neurophysiology and Biodata—No Teacher Needed

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Transcending leads to a state of pure awareness by stilling the mind, akin to the natural stillness experienced during deep sleep, but with full self-awareness.

Ready to still your mind effortlessly?

Ready to still your mind effortlessly?

Join Our 4-Day Training Series
to Evoke Deep Self-Transcending

Day 1

Your journey begins with a Full Brain Scan to establish your Self Regulation Quality Index (SRQI) Baseline before you learn how to transcend. You’ll then dive into your first EEG Mantra Assist Dive (MAD) session, powered by our Transcendometer® neural insights for an objective understanding of your meditation practice.

Day 2

Begin with a Guided Mantra Assist Dive (MAD) session at home for a subjective understanding of your transcending practice, allowing you to connect deeply with your inner experience. In the evening, you’ll return for another EEG Mantra Assist Dive (MAD) session, enhanced by Transcendometer® insights to deepen your objective understanding.

Day 3

At the midway point, you will have completed 2 EEG sessions for an objective understanding and 2 Guided sessions at home for a subjective understanding of your transcending practice. This evening EEG MAD session, guided by our Transcendometer® insights, will continue to strengthen your objective understanding of the practice

Day 4

Your journey culminates with another Full Brain Scan to establish your Day 4 Self Regulation Quality Index (SRQI) Baseline. Conclude your training with final EEG Mantra Assist Dive (MAD) sessions, bolstered by Transcendometer® insights to solidify your objective understanding of the practice.

Insightful Neuroanalytics for Optimal Brain Health

Vīrya's Self Regulation Quality Index (SRQI) report is a comprehensive review that combines Auto Self Transcending research with contemporary neuroscience. Using standardized neuroanalytics, it helps you understand the brain optimization that occurs from a daily transcending practice.

Transcending increases Alpha activity throughout the brain, promoting a state of deep relaxation and enhanced mental clarity. Your brain performs best when it’s well-rested, nourished, and stress-free.

Our comprehensive review helps you understand your brain's optimization in four key areas:



Our SRQI Report includes Average Broadband Spectral Power analysis across a wide range of EEG frequencies, providing a comprehensive view of brain activity. The theta/beta ratio, particularly when analyzed in the frontal and fronto-parietal regions, offers insights into emotional regulation and attentional control—key factors in cognitive performance.



The SRQI Report focuses on Alpha power, observed in the 8-12 Hz frequency range within specific brain regions. Alpha power is associated with relaxation, calmness, and efficient neural processing. Increased alpha power indicates a well-regulated brain, while decreased alpha power reflects heightened cognitive workload and processing demands.



The SRQI Report examines Permutation Entropy, a measure of the complexity and predictability of EEG signals. This metric captures the dynamic nature of brain activity and is used to assess states of consciousness and awareness. Higher levels of permutation entropy are linked to heightened awareness and more complex neural processing.



Functional Connectivity, as analyzed in the SRQI Report, reflects the dynamic interactions between spatially distant neural regions. Understanding these connections is crucial for gaining insights into overall brain function and how different regions work together to support cognition, emotion, and awareness.

Learn to Transcend effortlessly with our Transcendometer®

At the heart of Vīrya Tranścend is the Transcendometer®, our advanced neural feedback system that monitors how deeply you transcend and tracks your progress as you return to full consciousness. By measuring your brain activity in real time, the Transcendometer® provides valuable insights into the depth of your transcending experience.

The practice consists of two phases: Inward Transcending, where the mind moves toward stillness, and Outward Normalization, where you return to full consciousness. The benefits of this practice are comparable to those of deep sleep and dreaming, such as improved memory, emotional regulation, brain healing, and overall physical well-being.

Through our innovative approach, our EEG app guides your mind to a state of pure awareness by calming it, similar to the stillness experienced during deep sleep—but with full self-awareness.

Curious about the research that powers our technology?


Check out the studies that support how transcending meditation can improve brain function, emotional balance, and overall well-being. From the effects of EEG-based feedback on deepening meditation to the role of brainwave synchronization in enhancing self-awareness, we provide insights backed by science.
